Rochester Education Foundation
At Rochester Education Foundation, we believe that every child deserves a great education. For over eighteen years, we’ve provided students with literacy support, opportunities to explore music and arts, assistance on the road to college and a career, and so much more. REF is independent of the Rochester City School District.
YOU CAN HELP by making a donation
or by getting involved with one of our programs!
Smile Program
Smile also makes learning fun by providing fun, memorable, interesting, hands-on learning experiences that complement the science curriculum. Examples include science cruises on the Genesee River, a life size whale in the gymnasium, hot air balloons, and so much more.
REF helps to build community within ALL RCSD elementary schools by funding parent/teacher organizations so that they have the autonomy to do programs and projects to bring joy to their students.
REF convenes the Rochester College Access Network (RCAN). We bring college financial aid information and opportunities to students. We help bring all ninth grade Rochester students to visit a college campus. We help students fill out their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and search for scholarships so that they can get financial aid for college. We host the Future Fair event for seventh graders which showcases career opportunities to bring inspiration, hope, and excitement for what is next after high school graduation.
College Access & Success:
Volunteer at our FAFSA Fests
Each year, hundreds of students receive assistance in completing college financial aid forms through our FAFSA Fest events.
Need more Information? Please contact fafsa@rochestereducation.org
It is so important that our students have the opportunity to get books of their own that help foster their love of reading. We provide books - more than 80,000 and counting.
Give Back, Give Books
We’ve received over 3,650 instrument donations since launching our program in 2006, now called, Music and Arts for All. These instruments go to students, classrooms, and programs working with students who cannot afford one of their own.
We accept donations of instruments in playable condition, accessories, supplies such as strings and reeds, and equipment such as amplifiers. We do not accept donations of pianos or organs.
Instruments may be brought to our office at 250 Mill Street on the first Wednesday of the month from 9:00 - 4:00. No appointment needed.