Art for All Music Festival at Iron Smoke Distillery
Iron Smoke Distillery Event on Tuesday, April 8th.
Tickets: $10 and we will have raffles (baskets and 50/50).
To support Rochester city students music scholarships, lessons & more.
Time: 4:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Location: Iron Smoke Distillery 111 Parce Ave #5b, Fairport, NY 14450

REF 20th Anniversary Celebration

Get to Know REF! 20th Anniversary Pre-Event
cash • nonalcoholic bar
REF collaborates with schools and community partners to fill resource gaps and provide meaningful experiences for Rochester city students. Our work has a profound, positive impact on students’ success.

REF Online Auction 2024
We have fabulous items that will make great gifts AND make a huge difference for students!
This is a 9-day online event. All proceeds will support REF’s mission to provide programs and resources to improve learning and success for all Rochester city students.
Support us by visiting our online auction here.

Future Fair
The Rochester Education Foundation will provide an event for RCSD 7th grade students at St. John Fisher University that exposes them to a variety of careers.
We will recruit at least 100 career models from a variety of diverse fields who are financially independent, like their jobs, and give back to the community. These career models will meet with our students in small groups to share their career experiences and the path needed to get there.
Not only will they meet professionals, they will also meet college students. These career models and college students will encourage them and help them to imagine themselves having a successful future.
Apply to be a Career Model here.
Discover Sponsorship Opportunities here.

FAFSA Fest is an annual series of free events that brings local volunteers to locations around the city to help students and families complete their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online, answer financial aid questions, and provide individual counseling for understanding college costs. Food and refreshments will be provided, and there is no need to pre-register. Volunteers include financial aid counselors from local colleges. All students are welcome! Assistance for special circumstances will be available.
Find out what to bring with you:
Visit the RCAN website FAFSA Fest events page.
Check out more event details:

Visit us at the Jazz Fest!
Find our tent on Gibbs street and visit us! We look forward to seeing you at the Jazz Fest.

Click on the link below to “tip” you favorite bartender!
100% of your tips will go to REF and it’s program to support Rochester city school students.

Toast to REF and Our Partners: Smiles and Opportunities
Your support allows us to keep doing what we do best—getting valuable resources into the hands of Rochester city school children!
Questions? Send them to info@rochestereducation.org

Guest Bartender Event
Cheer on your favorite amateur bartender as they compete for the honor of pouring your drink and raising the most donations for REF!
Click the link below to “tip” your favorite!
100% of your tips will go to REF and it’s program to support Rochester City School students. The Distillery is generously donating $1 from every drink. Snacks will be available.

FAFSA Fest at the Central Library (in the Teen Space)
FAFSA Fest is an annual series of free events that brings local volunteers to locations around the city to help students and families complete their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online, answer financial aid questions, and provide individual counseling for understanding college costs. Food and refreshments will be provided, and there is no need to pre-register. Volunteers include financial aid counselors from local colleges. All students are welcome! Assistance for special circumstances will be available.
Find out what to bring with you:

FAFSA Fest at the Central Library (in the Teen Space)
FAFSA Fest is an annual series of free events that brings local volunteers to locations around the city to help students and families complete their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online, answer financial aid questions, and provide individual counseling for understanding college costs. Food and refreshments will be provided, and there is no need to pre-register. Volunteers include financial aid counselors from local colleges. All students are welcome! Assistance for special circumstances will be available.
Find out what to bring with you:

FAFSA Fest at the Jackson R-Center
FAFSA Fest is an annual series of free events that brings local volunteers to locations around the city to help students and families complete their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online, answer financial aid questions, and provide individual counseling for understanding college costs. Food and refreshments will be provided, and there is no need to pre-register. Volunteers include financial aid counselors from local colleges. All students are welcome! Assistance for special circumstances will be available.
Find out what to bring with you:

FAFSA Fest at the Edgerton R-Center
FAFSA Fest is an annual series of free events that brings local volunteers to locations around the city to help students and families complete their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online, answer financial aid questions, and provide individual counseling for understanding college costs. Food and refreshments will be provided, and there is no need to pre-register. Volunteers include financial aid counselors from local colleges. All students are welcome! Assistance for special circumstances will be available.
Need a ride?
We're excited to provide free transportation to this event from seven R-centers around the city! Sign-up deadline is Tuesday, November 15, 2022. Use this form to sign up for transportation.
Find out what to bring with you:

Toast to REF & Our Partners
Celebrate with us and make a commitment to champion city student success!
Online Auction: 10/17 - 10/27
We will be honoring:
Colleen Sadowski, Director of School Library System & Media Services, RCSD
Mary Gilbert, School Counselor at East High School
Renee Swift, Associate Director of Financial Aid, Nazareth College
There will be performances by:
Eastman School of Music Students, RCSD Alumni, & REF Instrument Awardees: Jahshanti Henry & Douglas Rodriguez
Emcee for the evening: Natalie Kucko, News 8 WROC Anchor & Reporter
Proceeds from the Toast to REF support Rochester Education Foundation. REF’s programs provide students in Rochester city public schools with access to books for classrooms and home libraries, music and arts education opportunities, and assistance on the road to college and a career.
Purchase Tickets Here

REF at NOBLE Event
REF is excited to participate in this National Organization of Black Law Enforcement (NOBLE) Back Pack Giveaway event. REF will be providing books to help fill students’ back packs.

FAFSA Fest at MCC Downtown
FAFSA Fest provides assistance with completing your college and financial aid applications! Join us on Tuesday, May 24 from 4 - 7 PM at MCC Downtown Campus. Everyone is welcome to attend this event.
If dependent, please bring a parent or legal guardian along with your 2020 tax returns.
We’ll bring the food and assistance!
For more information on what to bring, visit https://rochestercan.org/events.html

Arts for All Fundraiser
Your contribution will support summer arts education opportunities for City Students in music, dance, visual arts, and theater!
$50 can provide one week of lessons
$75 can provide a young artist with materials for a summer arts program
$200 can sponsor a student's lessons for the entire summer

FAFSA Fest at SUNY Empire State College
FAFSA Fest provides assistance with completing your college and financial aid applications! Join us on Tuesday, May 24 from 5 - 7PM at SUNY Empire State College, 680 Westfall Road. Everyone is welcome to attend this event.
If dependent, please bring a parent or legal guardian along with your 2020 tax returns.
We’ll bring the food and assistance!
For more information on what to bring, visit https://rochestercan.org/events.html

Guest Bartender Event
Cheer on your favorite amateur bartender as they compete for the honor of pouring your drink and raising the most donations for REF! 100% of your tips will go to REF and its programs to support public school students in the city of Rochester.
Blades is generously donating $1 from every Appletini signature drink. Snacks will be available. The outdoor area will be open!
Guest Bartenders include: Jody Gage - Amerks / Sabres, Dan Mason - Red Wings General Manager, Brian Henderson - Plan-It Eboni, Ray Gee - 94.1 the Zone, David Mammano - Motivational Comedian, Kearstin Piper Brown - Opera Singer, DJ Sight - WDKX Wake Up Club, Jim Salmon - The Home Repair Clinic WHAM 1180.
Guest performance by RCSD alum & Grammy Nominated Saxophonist/Flutist Jimmie Highsmith Jr.