Music and Arts for All
Our Music and Arts for All program opens the door to the joy of music, visual arts, dance, and performing arts for thousands of Rochester students.
We launched our first music program, Spring for Music in 2005. Since launching that program, REF has seen a huge improvement in student musical opportunities for city students. Because of our donation of 3,650 used musical instruments from the community, students are no longer turned away from musical instrument instruction because of a lack of instruments. Playable instruments can be donated at our office on the first Wednesday of each month.
What does this program do to make a difference? Our Music and Arts for All program:
Provides used musical instruments for Rochester city students
Increases students' musical performance opportunities
Provides scholarships for music lessons
Provides new instruments to college-bound students with great musical promise
Supports the Pride of Rochester district-wide marching band
Provides instruments to Roc Music
Supports the ROC City Players All-District performing arts troupe
Support Music and Arts for All
Donate an Instrument or Equipment
Just where do your musical instruments go? In Rochester, hundreds of donors have chosen to donate them to city school students.
When we started this program in 2005, there were schools where only the first 14 fourth graders had a chance to play an instrument due to the instrument supply. Now that we have donated more than 3,650 instruments, students have a chance to play - and to choose an instrument that speaks to them!
We accept string, brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments as long as they are in playable condition. Also, just as needed are music stands, amps, sound equipment, strings, capos, drumsticks, mallets, and other types of musical supplies and equipment!
We do NOT accept pianos, organs, drum sets, or accordions.
REF accepts donations of instruments on the first Wednesday of the month from 9:00-4:00. There is no need to make an appointment. Our office is located at 250 Mill Street, located at the corner of Platt Street and Mill Street. Enter the building by pushing the Ring doorbell at the glass door marked High Falls Business Center. REF is located in Suite 400.
Frank Alberti, Todd Allen, Ames Amzalak Memorial Trust, Bernunzio Uptown Music, Colleen Bielemeier, BSN Sports, Julie Buchanan, Carol Doeffinger, Heroes Brewing Company, Knataitis Construction, The Pardi Partnership Architects, P.C., Pamela Polashenski, Roberts Wesleyan College, Eric & Elizabeth Rennert, Kevin & Pamela Ryan, Christina Schmidt.
“Music is life itself. What would this world be without good music? No matter what kind it is.”